Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Language Arts:
Today we practiced "RACE" ing-a technique for answering questions completely.
R-Reword the question in the answer
A-Answer in your own words
C-Cite the text-QUOTE from the text
E-Explain/connect how the quote proves your answer.

We also studied the vocabulary words.

Spellcabulary test =tomorrow

Today we had an activity where students modeled adding fractions with "fraction sticks" (pieces of paper) and number lines.
Please make sure 3 worksheets are returned with parent signatures by tomorrow.

We began Chapter 3, Lesson -Human body systems.  There were two worksheets given-they're both due on Monday.  There is a quiz on lesson 1 on Tuesday.

Chapter 6 test = Monday. Study the Big Mamoo

Tomorrow is a minimum day-dismissal is at 12:05pm. Be here on time to pick up your children-it will be incredibly hot again tomorrow.

Friday is a national holiday-Veteran's Day- NO SCHOOL.

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