Wednesday, August 27, 2014

1. We worked on attacking word problems, ask to see the notes.
2. French Star worksheet for place value practice
3. Study Links were sent home to be kept at home for extra practice with corresponding unit in Everyday Math series (blue workbooks/student reference book).

We were taking the baseline test for IReady. Hug your kids, they're going to be tired from this!

Read for 40 minutes!

Type for 20 minutes.

Bring your shield for our awesome classroom decorations.

PLEASE TAKE THIS questionnaire about your awesome kid!

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

1. Read for 40 minutes:

2.  Type for 20 minutes. Go to the "Road to 900" website for typing websites.

3. Review odd vs. prime number notes.

4. Show mom and pop your paragraph from history book. We're working on revising them

3. Here's the tech team application:

Monday, August 25, 2014

1. Please have your parents fill out the questionnaire from the August 3rd blog entry.

2. Read for 40 minutes.

3. Type for 20 minutes.

Complete paragraph for history.
Complete prime/composite worksheet for practice.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Welcome to the fabulous 2014-2015 school year. We're going to have a great year of learning and growing.

Please have a parent(s) follow this link to complete a questionnaire about you!  Please feel free to sit down with your parent and complete it together.  I look forward to seeing your responses.

I can be reached via email:
I read email at least once a day and usually respond in the late afternoon.