Thursday, November 17, 2016

Language Arts:
Today we had our spelling bee-congratulations Malvina and Narek A.
Students also worked on their optional essays and studied for vocabulary and spelling tests tomorrow.
Students who do not turn in a complete essay will take the story test for "Ultimate Field Trip" tomorrow.

Students took two quizzes today. Students were given three ridiculously easy worksheets to finish after the test. One was on adding with like denominators, one was finding equivalent fractions (no you don't simplify these), and the third was the Strawberry-just do the math and the coloring-not the additional research/summary project.

We began taking notes in our Google Docs on Chapter 7, Lesson 1-The New England Colonies.
We discussed the "first" Thanksgiving.

We went over worksheet p. 49/50 on digestion-all answers were given. This is to be used for studying for the upcoming chapter test. (After the Thanksgiving Break)

Tonight is McTeachers night at the McDonalds on Central-McSee you McThere. :)

OPTIONAL Thanksgiving Project: Make a numbered list of the things you are grateful for...I'll award a table point for every item on your list. :) Make sure you can defend your answers-if I ask you why you are grateful for an item, then you need to be able to explain why that item fills your heart with gratitude.  Anything that makes your heart full is allowed...

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