Friday, August 30, 2019

Language Arts:
1. Complete list of Persuasive Essay topics (at least 10) and up to 20
2. Write the persuasive paragraph on the topic of your choosing. Remember:
1st sentence supports your opinion. 2nd sentence is another reason that supports your opinion. 3rd sentence refutes the opposing view of your opinion (gives a reason from the opposite view point and you tell why that is NOT a valid reason.)

3. Get reading contract signed on the bottom.
4. READ! :)

Finish page 27 only

No school on Monday; it's Labor Day.
See y'all on Tuesday.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

1. We described persuasive writing today in our RtR.

2. Many, many, MANY students did not follow directions given in class about how to fill out the reading contract/plan. Please have parent initials on the SIDE only to indicate that the parent agrees to the plan.  It only gets signed on Sundays to agree that the plan actually happened.

3. Read!!

Complete pages 19 & 21 ALL

complete page 20 #31, 34, 35
complete page 22 #21, 22, 23, 24, 29, 30

See you at the back to school night presentation in the cafeteria at 6:45pm.

Please sign the behavior cards and return them tomorrow.

Please join our fabulous Keppel PTA with a small $10 donation. (Blue envelope)

Please support our amazing arts teachers by donating to the MKS organization (green envelope)

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Language Arts:
Finish your R.t.R.: Who or what is your text about?

Fill out your reading contract and get parent initials only on the sides. This contract is a reading plan for the week.

Get your math homework that I graded pages 9/10 signed by a guardian.

Explain your decimal notes and get them signed by a guardian. Also, explain about using the "decimal fist" or "decimal hand gestures for place value.

Tomorrow is NOT a banking day. School begins at 8am.

Tomorrow is a minimum day. 5th grade dismisses at 12:30pm. Please make sure your child eats breakfast and brings a snack tomorrow because dismissal is way after lunch time.

Tomorrow night, 6:45pm, is back to school night in the cafeteria for Cannon, Hewitt, and Pimenta students. This event is NOT for students. We want to speak with the adults. Parents may not bring children and definitely children are NOT permitted to be running around or playing on the playground during this event because there is NO supervision being provided for them.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Read for 45 minutes an independent reading book.

Finish pages 13 & 15 in your math journal.

Some students took orchestra forms today. Remember that it is your child's responsibility to make up ANY missed classwork and instructio. I cannot reteach things missed during orchestra. If this is unacceptable to your family, then please wait to join orchestra until sixth grade at the middle school when the students will have a dedicated period of time to learning their instrument. 

Please return the orchestra form ASAP, Mr. B has a first come, first served policy with instrument distribution.

Thursday is a MINIMUM DAY (12:27PM DISMISSAL)  because it is Back to School Night. Please come to the cafeteria at 6:45pm for important information. Back to School Night is an ADULTS ONLY NIGHT. Please arrange kid/baby sitting for the evening, if you plan on attending. Students are not welcome that night.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Language Arts:
1. Write your  Response to Reading in your Language Arts Notebook.
2. Make sure to bring an independent reading book to class tomorrow.

Things to bring to language arts:
1. independent reading book
2. language arts notebook
3. behavior card
4. planner
5. pen
6. Common Core Writing Handbok

page 7 all;
p8: 17, 19, 23, 24
p9: 1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 12
p10: 18, 22, 23

Please complete:
1.  the field trip slip
2.  Student, Parent, Teacher compact by tomorrow.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Homeroom Students:
Finish your "Math About Me" worksheet.
Finish your "Student Questionnaire" worksheet by Monday.

PE starts on Monday. You may bring a towel or yoga mat.

Thursday is NOT a banking day. School begins at 8:00 am. 

Thursday is a minimum day. School Dismisses at 12:30.

Thursday is BACK to School night. We will meet in the cafeteria 6:45 pm.  There is a fifth grade committee meeting in the cafeteria immediately following our classes' Back to School Night presentation

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Language Arts:
If you didn't finish your story (Roll the Dice with Sensory details), then complete it.
Bring an independent reading book to language arts.

Thursday Folders:
Make sure both blue forms are complete-front and back with parent initials & signature on the front.

Please complete the library form.

Parents/Guardians, please complete the Get to Know Your Child form for me.

Please send your child with water and a sweater(I keep the air conditioning blasting in here).

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

First Day of School

Welcome to fifth grade! I am so pleased to meet this new group of stellar students. It was a loooooooong day for them. Please feed them and get them into bed early tonight.

Quick reminders:
1. Planner should be signed tonight indicating that you saw the blog contact information flier.
2. Check out the blog.
3. Fill out ALL highlighted parts of the blue forms. I need TWO BLUE forms filled out- one is for the office and one is for our classroom.
4. Please return Thursday Folder and blue forms on Friday.


Next week: Back to School Night in the cafeteria on Thursday, Aug. 29th.