Wednesday, February 6, 2019

RCC page 241-243 (Don't do page 242-use the lines on 242 to do the "E" for page 243) students were given over an hour to do these pages!!!
Memorize Gettysburg Address: due tomorrow.
Vocab test = Friday on words from PB page 61/Reading Book page 274-they're the same words


486-ALL, we did the majority of these problems together already in class!

Topic 8 test = next Wednesday

Cell project due 3/4


Dear Families,

Today, our Apex lesson was all about step #2 in becoming a STRONG leader taught us the importance of being trustworthy. In order for leaders to be trustworthy, we have to do what we say and be accountable for our actions. The best teams are filled with members who can rely on and trust each other. When we are trustworthy, we earn more freedom!

As of today our class is at  $21/ Lap  which means we have earned Pajama day on Friday as a team!
Our goal is to get to $40/ Lap by tomorrow so we can earn extra recess as a team!

*Important note: Pledges must be entered online to count towards our class total, so please be sure to log them in at  

Here is tonight’s challenge-

Participation Challenge: The class that has the most students participate by obtaining a pledge tonight of any amount and entering onto will get to have a Dodgeball Party with the entire Apex Team! Let’s keep helping our school! Be sure to check out the SHARE feature on your child's page where you can share his/her pledge page via email, text and social media. It's so easy!


Coach Cannon & the Cannon’s Cougars

No problem! If you have multiple students and at least one Code for a student, you can login with that first and then lookup your other student(s) by clicking "Add Student." If you don't have any Access Codes OR only have 1 student at this school Click here and give us some info! We'll be able to help you. Also, every teacher has a list of access codes at school, let your students know they can reach out to their coaches as well.

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