1. Students had a substitute today while Mrs. Cannon was receiving more iREADY training.
2. The students completed pages 14-15 of the Unit 2-GEMS book and 1 division worksheet.
3. Mrs. Cannon will collect tomorrow: the p. signature on the most recent test and p.sig. on the dvision worksheet turned in yesterday.
Students worked on typing their stories into a google docs account. Remember you CAN work on these at home.
We took our test on Chapter 1.
PE: Don't forget to send water with your children-it's hot out there in PE Land.
No school Friday! NO COSTUMES tomorrow!
Dine out at Islands next week & our FABULOUS wreath sales continue.
Red Ribbon week = WEAR red tomorrow.
Thursday folders will be sent home tomorrow. :)
These students need to return their field trip permission slips: 1, 5, 10, 13, 35.
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