Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Welcome back!


Today was a big review of fraction concepts covered so far. We practiced converting between improper and mixed numbers, as well as adding and subtracting fractions.  We completed pages 77/79, 84, 102, 112.

Language Arts:

We are finishing the Boston Tea Party article essays. We began to work on the writing assignment on CC page 155. We will have time in class tomorrow to finish this assignment.


We continued our colonial presentations today.

Thanks to those of you who are bringing in Box Tops!  Wahoo!

Don't forget to read independently and take your AR quizzes.

iReady Update: The district has locked down the iReady program. This means that students may NOT take any online lessons until they have taken their mid-year assessment at school.  What does this mean to you....NO iReady at home, so you have more time to READ! Yay!

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