Today's Schedule:
7:55am- sign into zoom
8:00-Cannon homeroom morning zoom meeting
8:30-Language Arts zoom meeting & do assignments 112 & 113
10:30-Math-go to your math teacher's zoom meeting-see below for info.
Cannon math students come to mandatory math meetings & do assignment 208
12:30-Science - Do assignment 302
1:30-typing/Mrs. Dow book-Do nitro type or listen to a story from Mrs. Dow on
3:00-Independent reading
Here are all the ZOOM Meeting links. Sign in 5 minutes early to allow time for your computer to get access:
1. Cannon Homeroom Zoom Meeting 8am: Click link below:
Meeting ID: 836 993 034 Password: school
2. Cannon Language Arts Zoom meeting 8:30am. Click link below:
Meeting ID: 902 083 928
Password: 371041
3. Cannon Math Zoom Meeting: 10:30am. Click link below:
Meeting ID: 233 125 257 Password: mathkid
4.Hewitt Math Meeting: 10:30AM Join Zoom Meeting; Click link below
Meeting ID: 933 046 619
Password: 292131
Mrs. Cannon, the Pearson Realize thing isn't working,it just keeps saying Hmm, That Wasnt Supposed To Happen