Thursday, October 10, 2019

Language Arts:
Revise (using ARMS) and Edit (using Cups) your L. 6. essay from yesterday

Finish you Venn Diagram (L. 14)

Study vocabulary for tomorrow.

p 181 numbers 3-10
Cannon homeroom, sign into your google accounts and check out the math possibilities on the Pearson app from the "waffle"

Steps for Multiplying with Decimals
1. Ignore the decimal and multiply
2. Starting at the right for each factor, count how many total decimal spaces.
3. Starting at the right in the product, count the same number of spaces as you did for step 2 to place the decimal.
4. Check your answer with estimation.

We did part two of our experiment today with ketchup and mustard...

Chapter 3 test = Monday; be studying
History Projects are due on Monday.

Tonight is the McTeacher's Night at the McDonald's on Central. I'll McSee you McThere at 5pm.

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