1. We described persuasive writing today in our RtR.
2. Many, many, MANY students did not follow directions given in class about how to fill out the reading contract/plan. Please have parent initials on the SIDE only to indicate that the parent agrees to the plan. It only gets signed on Sundays to agree that the plan actually happened.
3. Read!!
Complete pages 19 & 21 ALL
complete page 20 #31, 34, 35
complete page 22 #21, 22, 23, 24, 29, 30
See you at the back to school night presentation in the cafeteria at 6:45pm.
Please sign the behavior cards and return them tomorrow.
Please join our fabulous Keppel PTA with a small $10 donation. (Blue envelope)
Please support our amazing arts teachers by donating to the MKS organization (green envelope)
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