Monday, December 3, 2018

A. Get signed by tomorrow:
1. New Reading Contract, due 12/10
2. Vocabulary sentences, rewrite missed sentences
3. Circus Story test
4. RCC 147
5. RCC 144

B. Summarize "Leonardo's Horse" and "Belleropho and Pegasus"
Use Somebody In/At Wanted But So to help you summarize

C. Story and Vocab tests for "Leonardo's Horse" = Friday

737: Odds until number 21, don't do 23 or 25 or 27
738: 28, 32, 33
739: 9, 12 only
740: 19-22

Get math test signed and corrections paper signed by next Monday.

Topic 13 test = next Tuesday

Chapter 8 test = tomorrow, study

Chapter 5 test = next Thursday 12/13

Please consider donating tissues...our noses are running and there are only scratchy paper towels. :(
Students need dance shoes ASAP. First dance lesson is on this Friday with Miss Neel.

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