Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Language Arts:

Vocabulary Boxes for PB p. 153 words due tomorrow.
Vocabulary p. 153, spelling p. 157, story test on "Lewis and Clark" = Friday. I highly recommend rereading the story each night this week to prepare for story test.

Spelling 10xs each for missed words and p. sign due tomorrow
P. signature on 2 different graded text structure assignments due tomorrow
P. signature on dialogue assignment due tomorrow
That's a total of 4 different adult signatures.


A) Finish p. 529 problems 8-21, p.530 24 & 26 only, p. 531 all, p. 532 15 & 16 only

B) Get 6 different parent signatures:
1. multiplication of fractions test
2. notes from the Friday before spring break on division of fractions.
3. one page from the math book with a  Y (yet-the students have grasped the concepts) or a NY (concepts not yet grasped)
4. 3 different multiplication of fractions worksheets.

C) Division of Fractions test = next Tuesday


Quizzes = Thursday on all three lessons-study worksheets.
Science Test on Chapter 6 = next Tuesday


A) Grenada workbook pages 2-5 due Thursday
B) Sybil Luddington worksheet due Friday


Natalie H. and Riley K.-congratulations on making the finals for the I Love My Neighborhood poster contest.
The contest has the opportunity for parents to sponsor a line in their program for the contest.
Proud Parent link for I Love My Neighborhood poster contest:

Thursday, March 29th is the final 5th grade Dine Out Night.
 Please stop by Pizza Rev on Wilson anytime between 11am-10pm  and mention you are with Keppel.  5th grade committee will receive 20% of the proceeds. 

Thursday, March 29th in the evening is also Toll Middle School's Open House.  It starts at 6pm;  5th grade parents are welcome and encouraged to attend.

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