Monday, October 23, 2017

Language Arts:
1. Read Nellie Bly, p. 108
2. Get parent signatures on Spellcabulary and Reading Comprehension test.
3. Accept Invitation on google docs to join our Google Classroom: Language Arts Lemurs and read through the assignments. DO NOT complete them yet. JUST read.

p. 133: 1, 2, 15-18
p. 134: 19-21, 23, 25
p. 135: 1-5
p. 136: 10, 13, 15

SHOW YOUR WORK!!! I need to know that it was your work and not a calculator's work. ;)

We read chapter 2, lesson 1 today.
Chapter 2 test will be the Thursday after next. November 2.

Chapter 4 test = Thursday.

1. Don't forget to attend your art lessons, if you signed up for any of the fifth grade fundraiser lessons. :)
2. This is Red Ribbon week. We had a short discussion on different activities we can do if we are mad, sad, or bored.  Addictive drugs are not an option!! Keppel Cougars make healthy choices! Tomorrow is "Team Up against Drugs" Wear a team jersey.
Wednesday is "Sock it to Drugs" Wear silly socks.
Thursday: Wear red to pledge to be drug free.
3. Mrs. Dow in the library is kindly requesting donations of shoeboxes. :)

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