Language Arts:
We continued to work on projects today and an arts lesson.
Story "Power of WoW", spelling and vocab test = Friday
Complete GEMS pages 72-76 (only rectangles A & B on page 75, other than that-do them all!!
We read Chapter 6, Lesson 2-quiz tomorrow.
Chapter 6 test = next Wednesday, March 15...beware the Ides of March
Test = Monday for Chapter 9
1. Two Guys from Italy fundraiser continues through Thursday-yay, simply put your receipt in the jar on the counter and enjoy
2. The third trimester has begun. Has your child begun their iREADY lessons????
3. Read the instructions below, if your child is going to camp.
Mark Keppel 5th Grade 2017 Camp Highland Science Trip Instructions
Drop off Tuesday, (3/28/17) 8:15am: Please arrive at school with your baggage NO LATER than 8:15 am on Tuesday March 28. Do NOT go to the classroom. You will meet your teacher on the front lawn.Please be on time as the buses MUST leave by 8:40. Do NOT drop your child off at the red
zone. Please park and walk your child to school.
Pick up, Friday (3/31/17) NOON: The students are expected back to school at about 12:00 pm on Friday 3/31.Your child will NOT be going to class that day. Please make arrangements to pick up your child when the bus arrives. Remember your child will be hungry, dirty, and exhausted! Again, you will need to park and pick your child up. Your child will need help carrying their belongings. Do NOT wait in the red zone.
Packing: You received a packing list for camp. It can also be found here, along with additional
information for parents: . You MUST follow the
instructions on the packing list. Only ONE suitcase and ONE bedroll (in a garbage bag) will
be allowed. No exceptions!! Your children will be working outside and they will get dirty, so
make sure the clothes are comfortable. Shorts are NOT permitted except for sleeping.
Medication: Medication MUST be in the original container. You also MUST have filled out the
medical information sections of the camp forms. Please do not pack any medications in your
child'ss bag, whether prescription or non-prescription! All medications will be handed over to the
school LVN, Virginia Porter, who will review forms and check medication. You may want to
arrive a little earlier if you have medication.
Contacting your child: You will NOT be able to call your child. However, the parent page gives
you information on sending an electronic postcard and checking for FaceBook updates.
Important Points:
If your child becomes ill and must return home or if he/she violates the behavior policy, you
will be contacted to come and pick your child up at camp.
No food, gum, or candy is allowed. It WILL be confiscated!
Be sure to put your child’s name on everything he/she brings.
Bring chapstick.
They do not allow spray sunscreen. It will be taken from the kids. Please pack lotion
Water bottles need to be refillable – not a Crystal Geyser plastic one.
NO PHONES or other electronics! They will be taken away and given back at the end
of the trip.
Check out the menus at All kids must
eat. If there are problems, please contact your child’s teacher or Ms. Siegal.
READ THE PACKING LIST and visit the website.
We will be having a parent meeting on March 14th at 6:30 pm in the media room. Also,
Ms. Siegal and Ms. Worley will meet with the students on Wednesday, March 15 from
2:15-2:30 in the cafeteria. Please make arrangements to pick up your child a little late.
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