Tuesday, February 23, 2016

We completed Unit 4, page 1 (a, b, and c-with explanation) and page 3, only numbers 1-2.
Also, I assigned worksheet p. 7 which compares place value.

Language Arts:
We began the unit of point of view lesson in RCC. Remember point of view is the narrator's or speaker's opinion or motivation.
Independent reading is your only assignment.

Chapter 5 test tomorrow!! Be ready!

Improvisation with Mrs. Gilbert:
Students continued to work on developing scenes based on prompts from their partners.

Tomorrow is library day. Bring your books to return.

APEX fun run is this Thursday, we are neck and neck with Pimenta's class in pledge totals. Please remember that every little bit helps. Feel free to contribute a flat donation, if you are not comfortable with a per lap donation. Our class voted that our team name shall be "Boom Goes the Cannon"- I find this mortifying and funny!

All parents are cordially invited to help count laps at this amazingly positive and energetic event. Team "Boom Goes the Cannon" needs your support. Please join us in the classroom at 12:50 to walk down to the lower playground with us.

Students need to BRING LUNCH on FRIDAY because we will be returning from HOOVER after the cafeteria is closed for the day. Students may use their lunch boxes or containers.

Reminder: All student cell phones are to be OFF ( not simply muted, but actually OFF) on school premises. There shall be no texting, recording, photographing, or calling on school grounds.

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