Wednesday, November 18, 2015

AAAAAARRRRRgggghhhhhh! The blog wasn't working yesterday!!!

Here's today's entry:

  We continued to work on adding and subtracting fractions.
-RCC pages 102-103
-worksheet p. 123/124, 125/127


English Language Arts:
We worked on punctuating with commas and continued with story questions. Yesterday we did questions 1 and 5 on p. 244 of Adventures Reading book.

Today: We completed questions 2 and 4.

We continued to review chapter 2.
Chapter 2 test = THIS Friday

  Ms Siegal, our principal, has posted a homework survey online on our Keppel home page, here's a link to the survey.

Here's a link to our fabulous student created school newspaper: Mark Keppel Times

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