Tuesday, September 1, 2015

  We worked on number concepts of arrays and review of landmarks: maximum, minimum, range, median.

2 worksheets on arrays- remember 8 X 6= 8 Rows X 6 Columns

Language Arts:
We worked on making inferences about informational text. Students finished making an inference about the type of woman that Harriet Tubman was.

Remember the formula:
State your inference. Use a quote to prove it. Explain how the quote connects to something in real life that you know to be true.

 We began our tape models...ask the students: it is chaotic structural art that involves tape, saran wrap, and imagination.

Finish Atoms/Molecules worksheet

A giant thank you to the students who are making respectful and kind choices to one another at ALL times. I love teaching such awesome kids.

To the STEM students who received a letter today ONLY: return the notice sent to you by Thursday or you will lose your spot in STEM.

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