Wednesday, August 12, 2015

 Please get a parent signature on the math worksheet from yesterday.

Language Arts:
  Please be ready to turn in your letters to self. Remember, each letter should have:
    A) a Greeting
    B) a detail about something that makes you anxious about 5th grade
    C) an academic goal and a personal goal
    D) your prediction about the best part of 5th grade
    E) someone you want to get to know better in fifth grade & why

  I put  √+  on work that is proficient, √ on work approaching proficient, √- on incomplete work or work that needs considerable attention.
  I told students that I expect them to get your signature by bringing you the paper to be signed with a pen, a hard surface to write on, and a POLITE request.  It is the student's responsibility to take care of school papers and get the required signatures. Students who don't return papers with signatures MAY bring a note from home explaining why they don't have the papers. I understand that sometimes parents want to keep work to review with the student at a later date. However, students who fail to bring a note or a signature do receive a 7 minute morning recess detention.

Upcoming Assemblies and Events

•  Wednesday, August 19: Back to School Night (K-3 6:00-7:00, 4&5 7:00-8:00)
-Friday, August, 21, Back to School Dinner night! Wahoooooooooooo!
•  Thursday, August 27: Toll Back to School Night
•  Friday, September 4: Student Holiday

•  Monday, September 7: Labor Day (National Holiday)

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