Wednesday, December 3, 2014

We learned how to add and subtract mixed numbers today.
Step 1: Set up the problem vertically and change to improper fractions.
Step 2: Find the LCD and rename fractions.
Step 3: Add or subtract numerators.
Step 4: Simplify or die...

One worksheet front and back with subtracting mixed numbers-we already did the bottom row in class.
One worksheet on subtracting with unlike denominators.

Language Arts:
We compared and contrasted text structures today.  Complete through CC book 128. Follow directions and use complete sentences.

History Project:
Get going in Google Slides if you want with your part.

History Project:
3 people-
1 Person = State/describe: Name of Colony, region of Colony, map of Colony,  founding story/ important people related to colony.
2 Person =  State/describe: Country of origin of founders, religion of founders/spiritual beliefs, Native American tribes. Relationship between colonists and Native Americans. 
3 Person = Climate/Geography, crops/industry, tell how these are related
All: Contribute one more important fact or interesting fact about the colony.

All: Create a play, poem, or song to help us learn the important information above.

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